Place names
Stoddard County is a county located in Southeast Missouri in the United States. As of the 2000 U.S. Census, the population was 29,705. A 2008 estimate, however, showed the population to be 29,537. The county seat is Bloomfield while the largest city in the county is Dexter. The county was officially organized on January 2, 1835, and is named for Amos Stoddard, the first American Civil Commandant of Upper Louisiana.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Click here to read the complete page.
This territory was first granted in 1752 to Colonel Sampson Stoddard of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and others as Monadnock Number 7. It was known locally as Limerick before being incorporated as Stoddard in 1774, in honor of Colonel Stoddard.
Colonel Stoddard was appointed to survey southwestern New Hampshire by the colonial government, receiving several land grants for the service. One of his surveying assistants was Benjamin Pierce, father of U.S. President Franklin Pierce.
The first census taken in Stoddard, in 1790, reported 701 residents. Between 1840 and 1873, Stoddard was a center of glass manufacturing, home to four glass factories whose products are prized by collectors today.
Text and map from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Click here to read the complete page.Click here to visit the official Stoddard, NH web page.

Stoddard is a village in Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 799 at the 2006 census.
Stoddard was originally founded as a farming community. It is notable as one of the few communities along the Mississippi River to not be a trading post or stop on any riverboats. The river was originally one mile west of Stoddard, but when Lock and Dam No. 8 was built in 1937, the ensuing lake flooded the lowlands, literally bringing the river to the town.
Local lore maintains that the town was named after Colonel Thomas B. Stoddard, the first mayor of La Crosse who “helped the new community advance and expand.” However the official town website says: “This would be remarkable not only because Stoddard was born in 1800 and would have been 86 years old at the time, but also because he was already been dead for ten years. Actually it would have been difficult in 1886 for H.H. White to name the village anything but Stoddard. After all, it already had a two-room schoolhouse located less than a mile from the Stoddard post office, which had already been in operation under the name Stoddard Post Office for sixteen years or more. Thus a sizable number of people already had Stoddard as their mailing address. To find the origin of the name of the village, we should ask where the name of the Stoddard Post Office came from. Presumably, this name was chosen for the post office by the first postmaster, a Mr. Bochee. One account, attributed to a former postmaster, Anton Nelson, is that Mr. Bochee had the help of a friend named Stoddard in setting up his post office. Bochee is thought to have named the post office after this friend who left the area shortly thereafter. ”
Text and map from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Click here to read the complete page.Click here to visit the official Stoddard, WI web page.

Stoddard's post office started December 15, 1882 and discontinued September 15, 1927. Named in honor of Isaac T. Stoddard, the town contained the first copper smelter in its district. Stoddard had a school, boardinghouse, general store, auto garages, and much more. There was a population of about 300 people in Stoddard during its heyday. When the price of copper dropped in the 1930's, the town closed down.
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Stoddard Valley (green)
Stoddard Well (yellow)
Stoddard Well Road (pink)
Stoddard Valley Road (purple)
Stoddard Mountain lies about 20 miles northeast of Victorville, California and about a hundred miles from Los Angeles.
Highest elevation: 4,893 feet (1,491 meters) above sea level

Stoddard Canyon (blue)
Stoddard Truck Trail (yellow)
Stoddard Peak lies about 50 miles northeast of Los Angeles in the Angeles National Forest.
The following description is from a website created by Dan Simpson, an avid hiker who spends a lot of time in the area. “The peak was named for William H. Stoddard, who established the first resort in the San Antonio Canyon. In 1880, he moved from Sacramento and settled in a shady grove of sycamores and oaks in a lovely, waterfall-lace side canyon (which was later named for him) just east of the main canyon, about a mile above the entrance. Around 1886 he decided to turn his little paradise into a resort, and soon Stoddard's Camp became a favorite retreat for citizens of Pomona, Ontario, and San Bernardino.”
Highest elevation: 4,624 feet (1,409 meters) above sea level.
Click here to see the complete page.

Stoddard Meadow (green)
Stoddard Lake, Upper Stoddard Lake, and a large flat area known as Stoddard's Meadow were all named after a nineteenth-century rancher named John Stoddard. The remains of a historic cabin are also found in the area.
The area is now known as Eagle Creek Ranch and the following account is found on their web site. “The oldest records show that the ranch was sold by J. C. Akers to Allan Davis in November of 1866 for $500. At that time the ranch was known as the Iowa Ranch. [Davis]...sold to John Roe Stoddard in of July 1878 for the sum of $2500 in gold. The ranch was now known as the Stoddard Ranch. The Stoddards were a major influence and are remembered for the Stoddard Trail and Stoddard Lake. The historic trail begins directly behind the old log house and can still be seen following the blaze marks on the giant trees. The Stoddard family took their cows from the ranch in the spring to their summer grazing at Stoddard Lake via this old trail. Today, the trailhead begins some six miles away and is a beautiful 3.5 mile hike to one of the jewels of the Trinity Alps, Stoddard Lake. Along the way, you will pass the site of their cowboy cabin where they watched over their herd. The Stoddards are buried on the ranch in the old Stoddard Family Cemetery. You will find graves of 4 of their children along with others. Two of their children died in a diphtheria epidemic, one from scarlet fever and the fourth, a young girl of 22, from a tragic suicide. All in all, there are some eleven graves in the cemetery.”
Click here to visit the Eagle Creek Ranch website.

Stoddard Island is a 224-acre island southeast of Nova Scotia. Located 5 minutes off the coast, the island includes a 27-foot-high lighthouse that warned mariners of the approach to Shag Harbor. It is the southernmost privately owned island in Canada. The island was inhabited in the 18th and 19th century.
A listing from 2003 indicated that the island was for sale with an asking price of $963,000. The website that was given for more information,, is no longer working.
This page reports that about 1860, Michael Wrayton of Dublin purchased the island from "the sons of John Stoddard."
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Now owned by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Shepherd's Island is a small (15 acre) island in the Connecticut River. The island is relatively new and began forming in 1729. By 1754, just twenty-five years later, the island had grown to six or seven acres and was already under cultivation. In 1770 the island became the property of Solomon Stoddard, and for the next thirty years the land was known as Stoddard's Island. In 1803, Levi Shepherd purchased the island for $1200 and it became known, as it is today, as Shepherd's Island.
This bit of land extends into the Wicomico River about eight miles upstream from that river's junction with the Potomac River.

Alexander J. Stoddard (1889-1965) was considered one of the most innovative and influential educational leaders in the nation. From his start as a teacher in Nebraska, he went on to head school districts in Beatrice, Nebraska, Bronxville, New York, Rhode Island, Denver, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Read a (long) account of his accomplishments here.
Named for Alexander J. Stoddard.
Built in 1924, Stoddard Hall is the oldest and largest dormitory on the campus. Most of the materials were donated and the construction was done by students. The largest donor was Sara Bell Stoddard, of Minonk, Illinois. The building was named to honor her and her late husband, Morgan Stoddard.
Stoddard Hall was built in 1835 and...refurbished in 1937 by the PWA. Miami's second oldest building was named for Orange Nash Stoddard, a professor of natural sciences, 1845-1870.
Named for Regent Helen Stoddard. (Helen M. Gerrells (1850-1941) originally from Wisconsin; married S. D. Stoddard in 1873.)
The Texas State Historical Society has a biography of Helen Stoddard here .Fort Stoddard was a federal outpost located along the Tombigbee River north of Mobile, Alabama. It was built in 1799 by the Federal Government as a port of entry and became the terminal point of the Georgia-Alabama Road.
In 1806, Aaron Burr was arrested nearby and detained at the fort for two weeks before being sent to Richmond, Virginia, for trial. Apache leader Geronimo was also imprisoned there.
The post was abandoned in 1894, and in 1895 the land was turned over to the state of Alabama. The location is the present-day town of Mt. Vernon.
As an outpost on the frontier, the area known as "Tonoloway Settlement" was subject to the ravages of Indian raids. At the height of these raids, Maryland Provincial Governor Horatio Sharpe ordered a series of forts to be built along the Potomac. In 1755, Lt. Thomas Stoddert, with a crew of 15-20, was sent out to build a stockade fort in the "Tonoloways" (now Hancock). It was completed by July of 1755. In 1756, the stone fortress "Fort Frederick" was completed twelve miles to the east, and Fort Stoddard was abandoned.
From the Hancock, MD website. Click here to go there.Battery Amos Stoddard is a concrete Endicott Period [Artillery] Battery located on Fort Worden, Washington. The Battery was built with four 6" disappearing L.F. guns. These guns could fire a 108 pound shell seven miles. The guns were removed in 1917 during World War I.
Fort Worden is a fort...located in Port Townsend along Admiralty Inlet in the U.S. state of Washington. It is situated on 433 acres (1.8 km²) originally built as a United States Army installation for the protection of Puget Sound. Admiralty Inlet was considered so strategic to the defense of Puget Sound in the 1890s that three forts, Fort Worden, Fort Flagler, and Fort Casey, were built at the entrance with huge guns creating a "Triangle of Fire" that could theoretically thwart any invasion attempt by sea.
Construction on Fort Worden began in 1897 and continued in one form or another until the fort was closed in 1953. The initial sixteen atrtillery pieces were installed in 1900 and the Fort was activated in 1902. Between 1905 and 1910, six additional gun emplacements were added, including Battery Stoddard.
Battery Stoddard text and photo from Click here to go there.Fort Worden text from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Click here to go there.